Squats & Serenity: 10 min. squat, lunge, yoga workout


Hello world! Daz here and I am back from a hiatus of maneuvering my way through the last year of my undergrad college career! It’s coming to a close next month which means I will be able to get back to the blog and really concentrate on my newest journey. I know many people are very talented at juggling more than one task at a time-honestly so am I-but I wanted to have the ability to really focus on my schoolwork and trust me, I stressed A LOT so only having one task was good enough for me! (lol)

For the past two years I have been inconsistent in my exercise journey. I begin, get a good track record going and totally fall out of it. I decided to take control of that slack in my life and really get serious! I started an Instagram page (@squatsnserenity) last year so that I could keep up with my progress. Needless to say, that’s not consistent as well but that’s the beauty of it. I get to see where I fell off and reflect back on why. To push myself even more to stay on track, I’ve made my first workout video! It’s a 10 minute at-home video that consists of squats, lunges, yoga and more. It’s the perfect start to get myself on the right path and anyone else joining along-especially with summer right around the corner. I promise to stay up-to-date with this and I hope everyone enjoys my videos. Please subscribe to the YouTube channel at ‘Squats & Serenity’ and also follow the Instagram page…enjoy!

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